Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finals Schminals!!!

I've been needing to get this off my chest since the spring of 2001 when I finished up my first semester of college at the LDSBC! I don't see the big deal about Finals Week at the U of U, or any other higher education institution in the world. The thing that really bothers me, is that most students buy in to it! Look, just because at the end of a semester, the last test of the class held on a special date and has a longer window of time, there is no need to freak out and also tell everyone you know that it is finals week! Most of us could probably count on one hand, or even one finger, how final tests we had that was comprehensive and covered course material from day 1. Its just another test! Seriously. I was talking with my office mate, Keith (name has been changed, and then changed again to protect the innocent so you don't really know if that is his real name or not), and he said that a study group person he once knew put it this way- "...If you have attended class, and done what you were supposed to do throughout the semester, then you should consider the final as a Pay Day. Its like going to work for two weeks. You've done what you were supposed to do, so you should expect to enjoy the paycheck you have just earned. Likewise, the final should be revered as just another test..." Chances are, if you've done your homework like a good little student, then the score on the final will be in line with the other test scores you have received up to that point. And don't most teachers drop the lowest score anyway? Don't a lot of us only take the final only because there is a chance we might get a few points higher than a previous test, but it is really pointless if take it for the most part?
Wow! That felt great! I feel so much better now, and the fact that I graduated from the U like 1.5 years ago so I haven't had to worry about a final since then. Thank you! Oh and, good luck on your final. I hope you study for weeks to prepare. But seriously, are you really going to spend more time studying just because it is the final than you did on the other tests? Give me a break!
Bye. Bye.


Anonymous said...

That "Keith" guy sounds like a really astute fellow.

Archie said...

Glad to see you are joining the ranks. I look at this as a way to keep a journal without having to tell the truth...

I look forward to reading your posts.

Russ said...

Danny try dental school and tell me finals schminals. Try 37 credit hours in one semester. Now that sucks!!!

Anonymous said...

I might as well be a geriatric because I don't know how to use a computer or maybe it is just because I stay home with Hayden all day... but I have some words of wisdom, "Remember that where ever you go, there you are."

Anonymous said...

choo choo baby, choo choo

Anonymous said...

Now if only I can convince people that college is totally useless, the werld wood bee u bettr plais. College shmollege.